
Journalists are not very smart part XXIII (Destiny)

by Durandal, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 16:35 (3268 days ago) @ Kahzgul

The AI is far smarter than Destiny, with enemy units behaving more tactically if they have a commander unit nearby, grenadiers chucking all their stuff at once at you while rushers charge you with shotguns, and LMGers providing suppressing fire. Snipers actively retreat to gain range and seek elevation for better angles, and you can hear the enemies communicating with each other to coordinate attacks or warn of danger.

I've not seen any of this. Rushers always rush, hand gunners take cover, then pop out to fire. Snipers always go for the high ground. They don't seem to duck into cover when I'm aiming like Destiny.

Definitely more of a ME3 gunplay system than Destiny, I agree. That being said, the guns become more differentiated at higher levels.

I'll have to keep an eye out while I level. Right now i'm pretty low.

That's hilarious. The trick being, of course, that there are no enemies "minding their own business" in this game. Walk up to anyone who had a red reticle and you'll see that they immediately start attacking you as soon as they notice you.> >

Several times I've been able to "return the crates" while the enemies are just standing around talking. Or wander very close to a group looting a body. So you can get close without really triggering a response. I can stop and shoot mobs that are just kind of standing there and haven't noticed me, which is kind of immersion breaking. I mean if this was real life and a guy just rolled up and popped two punks Deathwish style I think the onlookers would freak a bit.

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