
Seeing and experiencing

by Mr Daax ⌂ @, aka: SSG Daax, Monday, June 24, 2013, 14:12 (3971 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

TL;DR? - How much do you enjoy "Space", What in particular about it, and how do you think such enjoyment and knowledge shall effect how you play Destiny?

For me, the sight of a night sky, or of a picture from space, is enough to trigger a deeply emotional response, a sort of childlike wonder. I don't know any specific lunar locations, nor am I as captivated by how Venus is able to sustain life so much as I am stunned that I can go to Venus in the first place.

The sight of so many stars, the mind numbing immensity, the chance of seeing or experiencing something that has never been seen or experienced before, all of that is what I love about space. It's not that I am not deeply fascinated by the science behind everything I am seeing and experiencing (trust me, I am :) ), but I don't need to understand it in order to be amazed and humbled by it.

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