
We are, all of us, stardust.

by JDQuackers ⌂ @, McMurray, PA, Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 03:11 (3970 days ago) @ Chewbaccawakka

Neil DeGrasse Tyson, along with Michio Kaku, is rapidly becoming some of my favorite mouthpieces for the advancement of the sciences. At times reminding me strongly of Carl Sagan and his great works of poetic truth.

(Though the Scale of the Universe sight is pretty neat, I personally like the layout of 100,000 Stars better. But whatever floats your boat. Your space boat.)

Well then, I sure do hope that you're aware of the Cosmos reboot that will be hosted by Mr. Tyson

I can't say that I've ever been more excited for something to happen on TV

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