
What games are you playing? (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Saturday, April 23, 2016, 01:36 (2937 days ago)

The title says it all: What's everyone playing? I still see quite a few of you in Destiny, but others haven largely moved on. What's taking up your game time in the relative Destiny lull, or did the update manage to pull you back in?

I have a problem with wanting to try every game I stumble across. It results in a lot of unfinished games. I've gotten to the point where I'm actually okay with that--I no longer really feel the need to "finish" a game, as long as I feel I've experienced what the game has to offer. I only play any game as long as I'm having fun.

My habit is still going strong. I'm six hours into Dark Souls 3 and absolutely loving it. I haven't really sunk my teeth into it, yet. I know I'll get lost in it if I do, and I'm not quite sure I'm prepared for that yet. I may honestly just keep playing this in bursts.

I've actually been playing Destiny a decent amount over this last week. Got my first PS4 character (A Titan, the only class I never fully leveled up and engaged with on Xbox One) to level 40 last night. I'm going to try and get her into the upper half of the 200s over the next few weeks. I've found that Destiny is a nice game to decompress and relax in after a Dark Souls 3 session. Once I turn off DS3, I jump into Destiny and knock out a mission or two before calling it a night.

Sunset Overdrive is currently free on Games with Gold, so I grabbed that. I only played about an hour of it, but it seems promising. I'm going to put it on the back burner for now, but I am looking forward to getting into it at some point. It looks great, and I really dig the map traversal with all the grinding and bouncy jumps.

As I've mentioned before, Dirt Rally has been my go-to racing game. I still love it, although I've taken to playing it in short bursts. Usually just knock out a race or two before switching it out for something else. It's a test of will-power to turn it off, though--it's entirely too easy to just keep racing. The game just feels superb and I still can't recommend it enough for racing fans.

I still need to find time to try and hit up the Nathan Drake collection. I'm nearly finished with Uncharted 2, and I want to finish the third game before Uncharted 4 comes out. I think I'm going to dedicate my gaming time next week to making that happen.

And finally, I couldn't resist and bought Enter the Gungeon last night. It's has proven to be a very fun game, and actually a pretty good mindless game I can play while watching Giant Bomb videos or something on the laptop. It's got loads of style, a good sense of humor, and stellar gameplay. If you like twin-stick shooters and rogue-lite elements, this is the game for you. Check it out if you're looking for a great $15 game.

And still on the list of things to play but I haven't actually bought yet:

The new Ratchet and Clank. I've never played a R&C game before, but it looks like a lot of fun. It's definitely in the backlog to grab when I have some downtime.

Until Dawn. One of my buddies keeps bugging me about it, and keeps telling me it's absolutely the first game I should have played when I got the PS4. The plan is to tackle this next month, after I'm (hopefully) finished with Dark Souls 3. I want to get to it before Mirror's Edge in any case.

Hyper Light Drifter. I resisted buying it, despite it looking amazing. Mainly, I think I'm just waiting for it to hit PS4.

Quantum Break? I'm still undecided on this one. It's got really mixed reviews, but it still looks interesting. I was never truly excited for it, so I think I'll probably just wait and get it when it eventually gets a Deals with Gold price drop. Or never, because I'll probably have forgotten about it by then. We'll see, I guess.

Alright, that ended up way longer than I intended, especially without anyone asking (or caring!) what I'm doing. So I turn it over to you folks: what are you currently playing? I see lots of you still on Destiny quite often, I see some folks in The Division still, and I obviously see quite a few of you in the Mirror's Edge beta this evening. Anyone playing any hidden gems they want to recommend?

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