Your questions answered - and more!

by DeeJ ⌂, Bungie, Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 15:04 (4278 days ago) @ The Lionheart

I live for the deep--the profound. Will I be satisfied with your game's universe? Does the rabbit hole go down far? Or are my thirsts relics of a long forgotten age?

You are absolutely right in that our E3 deliverable was light on story. After contemplating the brand new universe of this game for the first several beats of our conversation following reveal, we felt it was time to start the motor and rev the engine - to let you see this thing move and shake.

Destiny will have a story that will have you asking lot of questions. Those mysteries will drive the experience. You, as a Guardian of our last civilization, will be tasked with exploring shattered ruins to unlock the secrets buried within. That curiosity is what will drive you forward into the frontier, leaving behind the safety of the Tower, where the protective light of the Traveler shields us from strange invaders who occupy our former glory.

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