
Duh (Cap 3 spoilers) (Gaming)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, May 30, 2016, 18:13 (2948 days ago) @ Cody Miller

For example, the airport battle in Captain America 3 is perhaps my favorite action scene from any movie in the past 10 years, and it is 99% computer generated.

This is where we fundamentally disagree. For me, this scene is the epitome of everything wrong with action movies today. First of all, you have characters fighting each other for no other reason then "why not?". Why is Antman there again? Because he was asked and apparently said what the hell. He pretty much just didn't give a fuck and had nothing better to do. What ideological reason was driving spiderman to be there again? In terms of narrative, there is no solid reason for many of these characters to be doing what they are doing.

Second, nothing happens and there are no consequences. People fight, yet at the end of the day nothing changes as a result of the scene, nobody gets hurt, and it was all kind of pointless. See point #1. The black Iron man who crashed even got new legs in the end, so he'll be back to the status quo. It functions as an obstacle in the way of the plot rather than as plot point itself.

I mention stunts because there are several obstacles that CG brings. The first is that the physics are never done right, so it seems fake right off the bat because it moves wrong. Have an actor do a stunt for real, and it not only looks real but you get a real reaction and feeling they are actually doing it. CG also tends to create over the top situations that are so implausible that you no longer suspend your disbelief.

I think CG is a fantastic tool, but not when it's used instead of something real that benefits the film. Mad Max used a shit ton of CG, but did it to supplement the stunts, not in replacement of them. I will take Indiana Jones hanging from the Truck in Raiders or Ethan Hunt scaling that tower in Dubai over that stupid airport fight in Captain America. Hell, I'd even take the boat chase in Face Off! I was actually quite bored during that scene in Captain America, whereas each time Ethan's glove slipped in MI4 my heart skipped a beat!

First of all, most of your responses are about other points on your list... you're talking about the weight of the scene within the plot, caring about characters, etc. I was talking about CG vs real stunts. I count that scene as a win for CG because most people don't even realize that they're essentially watching a cartoon as that scene plays out. It is perfectly convincing from a visual point of view. Everyone loves to complain about CG, but the truth is that the majority of CG work that goes into movies doesn't even get noticed... and that's the goal. It should look so good that nobody realized that it is CG. In that regard, Cap 3 is a complete success. CG is only a problem when it isn't convincing, and I agree that happens far too often. But saying while you would say "use less CG", I would say "use better CG".

As to the points you are making, I completely disagree. I think the battle in Cap 3 works brilliantly well specifically because there was weight to it with characters I really care about and an outcome I am invested in. It didn't feel contrived at all, it felt like the natural result of the plot and the character's motivations. If you don't care about any of the characters involved, that's fine, but I wouldn't call that a fault of the movie. They gave us plenty of reasons to care both within the movie and across the larger MCU. I love that it is lighthearted and fun, because the characters are all pulling their punches up to a point, but it still maintained an edge thanks to the concern that something could go truly wrong... as it eventually does.

Your assertion that the scene doesn't effect the plot in any way is also false. It is the "line in the sand" moment where each side fully commits to their beliefs. No wiggle room or turning back at that point. Yes, I'm sure we'll see everyone kiss and make up at some point down the road, but not without repercussions. The way the world views the Avengers has been irreparably changed.

As far as MI4 goes, that is an incredible scene, no doubt about it. The MI movies in general are pretty solid in terms of great all-around action movies. But if that scene were filmed using CG, and the CG looked convincing, it would be exactly as effective. Again, the only time CG causes problems is when it isn't well done.

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