
I agree with this so much (Gaming)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, May 31, 2016, 14:08 (2947 days ago) @ Cody Miller

It's incredibly frustrating to watch these pre-rendered action movies where the computer animations were done before the scripts were even written. Transformers comes to mind, where the action is all completely superfluous to the plot because in order to finish in the timeframe the studio gave them they had to start animating everything before principal filming even began.

One of the problems I have with transformers is that everything is at 11 all the time. A good action scene builds. But when you start out with giant explosions and huge crashing cars, there's nowhere to go. So even though crazy shit is happening, you're adjusted to it and it's your new baseline normal. Trans4mers literally had a 45 minute action sequence in the end, that managed to be boring even though it was objectively nutso. The reason is the above principle. Again, action scenes are stills scenes and so need to be paced out as such!

This is something Uncharted 4 did well. You have ups / downs, quiet / loud, action / relaxation.

Yes yes yes. It's infuriating when producers don't get that when you start with shit hitting the fan then the rest of the scene has no tension whatsoever.

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