
I'm confused about Kotaku. (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, June 01, 2016, 01:39 (2947 days ago)

I've been pretty vocal about my disdain for Kotaku around here. Last week was the first time I had visited the site since they published the Bethesda and Ubisoft don't talk to us anymore article last year.

The debacle over the No Man's Sky delay and leak of said delay pulled me back in, though, and Jason Schreier's comment explaining their process actually did a bit to sway my opinion on Kotaku in general.

I've still not really worked out where I stand on the whole thing, especially the publishing of pages of the leaked Fallout 4 script. In theory, I don't think that bothers me. It is technically newsworthy, if not actually surprising ("Developers of hit video game making sequel to hit video game!"). Their sanctimonious reaction to being blacklisted by Bethesda (and Ubisoft) still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, however.

I'm not sure how to feel about any of it, but more and more I feel like Kotaku is one of the only places (if not the only place) doing real video game journalism, such as it can be. They post bullshit crap list articles as often as anyone else, but at the end of the day, they've done more real coverage of the industry than just about every other video game site combined.

At the end of the day, I'm not sure how to balance those two sides in my mind.

Anyway. It's not relevant at all to this place, I suppose, but it was on my mind, and the conversation that may develop here is bound to be much more interesting and insightful than anything I could find on reddit or anywhere else I could have voiced my opinion.

P.S. The No Man's Sky subreddit is a a real shit show right now about the whole thing. It's simultaneously interesting, insightful, infuriating, and hilarious.

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