
I'm confused about Kotaku. (Gaming)

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Thursday, June 02, 2016, 19:34 (2945 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Of all the times that people have yelled at you about making sure to include the phrase "in my opinion" or "to me" on this board I've never before felt like it was justified. It's a long-running expectation or desire on the Internet for people to have opinions redundantly labeled as being individual opinions — as if there were any other kind. But it makes people happy and costs little so there is value in that strong enough to keep me from taking a side.

This, however is the time that I can join the chorus. You're defining something based on your View of its personal importance or relative value to your life. Or the value you judge it has to other peoples lives. This is so far away from being subjective it cannot possibly be a definition or a qualifying requirement.

I don't expect this is important enough to really hammer out or be resolved at this point. I expect I'll just trace Claude's path and substitute the phrase "a news story I respect" anytime you use the word"journalism". That's how it read in the first post, so I'm glad we just tried to define terms rather than arguing about it.

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