
I'm confused about Kotaku. (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, June 02, 2016, 16:40 (2945 days ago) @ Vortech
edited by Cody Miller, Thursday, June 02, 2016, 16:44

Confounded. So, what *is* journalism, then?

A journalist writes and reports NEWS. Things that MATTER. They could matter on a local, state, national, or international level, but they are important things that affect lives.

Entertainment almost by definition doesn't 'matter'. This doesn't mean that things that deal with the entertainment industry and not news. For instance, the recent pieces about the rampant pedophilia in Hollywood is journalism. Reporting on a leaked script or why so and so was fired is not.

EA spouse or the coverage of when the supreme court was deciding whether video games fall under the first amendment is the closest thing I can think of to an honest to goodness piece of journalism about video games.

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