
Y'all have some unexpected definitions of journalism. (Gaming)

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Thursday, June 02, 2016, 19:19 (2945 days ago) @ narcogen

I think you're right, Speedracer. I used to not like them whatever, but I've changed my mind. Now I merely mostly dislike them.

Kotaku, remarkably, does appear to do actual games journalism. Other game news outlets do press releases or do interviews with the community managers of game companies or other fluff pieces. It's all complete fluff. Kotaku, very rarely, has actual investigative reporting, and reports on leaks, as opposed to most other large video game news sites or magazines. It's worth giving them credit for.

Investigative reporting?

Come on.

I'll call it that the first time a game reviewer files a FOIA request.

So, only governmental reporting qualifies as investigative journalism? Why?
Also, why is limiting the scope of your investigation to only entities who are most easily compelled to cooperate with your investigation above the qualifying bar?

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