
How to level for the raid (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 20:51 (3077 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I would be 100% more comfortable if the No Seeing Eye dogs had filled up with 6 (or more) confirmed. I am nervous because there were only 3. The thing Korny forgets about is that it requires 5 other people to do the raid. What they do, their schedule, etc can really impact YOUR enjoyment of the raid.

I feel like if I can't do the raid blind the first time, with everybody in the group blind, then it's not worth doing at all. I really feel that way. I'm racing to gear up because right now that seems to be the only way to do it. This is not ideal. You think I WANT this?

Only a mere 4 days later is the "Late Blind Run"... Convince Guardian & Argent to stay pure for 4 more days & we've got 6. Just sayin' ;-)

Sadly, the scheduling of "No seeing eye dogs" just didn't work out (for me). (Also, why Slycrel scheduled a trip out of town when he did I'll never understand.) ;-)

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