How to level for the raid (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Thursday, September 22, 2016, 14:10 (3077 days ago) @ Cody Miller

These things are treated as content, when it really isn't. For me, an exotic quest is more along the lines of Black Spindle and less along the lines of Super Good Advice. If you look at RPGs and JRPGs, often entire dungeons are constructed around getting a certain item. Raiding Charlemagne's Vault sounds like a fantastic way to get Thorn. Not getting void kills in the crucible.

A lot of what we are being asked to do is along the lines of being boring and grindy. It is always better as a player to do one cool thing rather than do a bunch of simple things.

Just keep in mind, YOU aren't being asked to do any of it. You are choosing to do it. And you are also choosing how to do it.

I agree that more exotic quests like you mentioned would be fantastic ideas. This was a topic of conversation when TTK came out. Yet here we are, Start of year 3, and its not like that, at least to you if not anyone else.

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