ME3 Multiplayer

by Phoenix_9286 @, Thursday, August 22, 2013, 18:12 (3907 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Overreaction, maybe, but if I can't play the game the way I want from the word go, and there isn't a clear path to being able to play the game the way I want, what's the point? I'm not enjoying the game if I'm spending all my time playing a class I don't like, just on the off chance the next pack will give me the class I do like. I also never approved of the decision to basically force players of what had been for the last two installments a single player game, to play multiplayer, just to have enough assets in the single player portion to see every end game.

They did a few things right. They proved the gameplay could be conducive to a specific type of multiplayer. They proved it was fun. Unfortunately, I feel the things they did wrong outweigh what they did right (unlocks, tying it into single player as they did).

I have no doubt you're right, and it'll make a return in future installments. There's a solid foundation to be built upon. I just hope in the future it isn't something forced upon players who bought the game primarily to finish out their story, and customization actually makes sense. Until then, I'm happy I can safely choose to ignore it without any ramifications.

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