Not the categorization I was expecting...

by NsU Soldier @, Washington, Thursday, August 22, 2013, 23:38 (3907 days ago) @ Cody Miller

It seems like the ability to carry 3 weapons will be much more restricted than something like Vanquish or Gears of War, where you had three weapons slots to put whatever weapon you want in. Judging from this, only certain weapons can go in certain slots, limiting combinations.

I was almost certain it was going to be something like:

- 1 Heavy
- 1 Medium
- 1 Light


- 2 Main
- 1 Sidearm

But it's going to be:

- 1 Heavy
- 1 Rifle
- 1 Specialized

At first I shared the sentiment about it being overly-restrictive, but then I came to realize that this system probably won't be *that* restrictive.

Maybe there will be assault rifles that count as 'heavies', and light snipers that count as 'rifles'? And with a ton of weapons out there, I'm sure there'll be enough options to keep everyone* happy.

*Okay...most people.

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