But Derp

by kapowaz, Friday, August 23, 2013, 10:42 (3906 days ago) @ Cody Miller


the ability to carry 3 weapons will be much more restricted than something like Vanquish or Gears of War … certainly more boring than the more traditional system


Hey look everyone! Cody's worried this game that is not like Vanquish or Gears of War at all will suck because it doesn't have a weapon system like Vanquish or Gears of War!


Never made that argument.


It is exactly the argument you made. Why can't you acknowledge your own assertions? I think there is space for criticism or concern over how the weapons system will work, but comparison to completely different genre games isn't how you go about it.

I'm mostly interested in how things like ammo will work. Will we be constrained from overusing our special/heavy weapons, and if so how? Will we be able to chop and change in combat, picking up discarded weapons from our foes? How easily can we swap our weapons around with those we've stashed from previous forays?

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