PS4 crew's successful encounter tonight *SP* (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Friday, September 15, 2017, 06:47 (2709 days ago) @ cheapLEY

After two and a half hours and like seven Seriously-This-Is-The-Last-Runs from TheeChoas (Good luck on your interview!), we conquered the Pleasure Gardens.

I knew we were gradually getting better at execution, and I know we were on a roll towards the end. As soon as we get to the next event, I'll just say I have to go as soon as it starts, so we can finish it sooner. =P

I think this encounter is really fascinating, and it continues the cool tone from the first two bits of the raid so far. I'm really liking that the encounters so far are just mechanically interesting and demanding, without stupid DPS checks (or, at least, the DPS checks are built into the mechanics and buffs you need--you're not going to fail these encounters because you don't have any Black Spindles).

I think we actually figured out what we needed to do for this encounter fairly quickly, but it took us a while to get the execution right. We did quite a bit of experimenting with how the buffs stack and then just a lot of time fucking it up. Felt really good to get it done in two phases, though.

Figuring out a pattern and getting more comfortable with navigation around the dogs was key. Now that we know x48 stacks does ridiculous damage, once we get better geared, we could probably do it in one phase.

Here's a video that is timestamped for our final run.

We also did a bit more exploring in the underbelly and found quite a few chests that we just don't have the correct keys for. Unless there are a lot more encounters than I'm expecting in this raid, it seems like there are more chests than you'll get keys for. I'm wondering if it's just random and you'll never be able to get every chest every week, or if there's just a lot more we haven't discovered yet.

Maybe we will get a drop tonight Cheapley....

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