
Why ask questions you already know the answer to? (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 12:43 (2463 days ago) @ Cody Miller

That seems like a pretty big claim. Yes, people come and go, but not everyone leaves at the same time. Surely some of a game studio's culture remains even when an influential person or people leave?

It depends on if that culture is being set by the people still there, or those who have left.

There is clearly a different vibe at play at the heart of the Bungie machine these days, to some measure of my own consternation. But that's just me getting old, man. And you, too. Games are mainstream now, gamer/streaming culture is such a different animal than the way I prefer to engage on this stuff, it STILL throws me. But there's no fighting any of it.

Jones is still there, Noguchi is still there. Gioconda, etc. I'm sure at least a handful of people will spend their entire careers there. Things are different nowadays, but they aren't *that* different.

All you have to do is look back at the tropes I mentioned. Those things are still there. Who's the custodian of that content bible? Who's making sure all of those things make it in, regardless of how deft or hamfisted the storytelling gets? Even if it's not the old heads, someone is taking care of it. And you know what? Some of the newer lore, while not precisely my cup of tea; is pretty damn interesting. Given I have zero visibility on who is on the appropriate teams for that, I'll gladly chalk the majority of it up to new blood brought on in the past few years. What do I know?

I know that the games cranked out are still getting better with every release, and there's nowhere else I'd rather spend my gaming time.

I just don't get why you'd expect any huge shift away from the kinds of stuff that has been Bungie's bread-and-butter. I would at least spend that kind of hope on when they announce their next new IP.

In like, ~5-6 years.


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