
Sounds like you need DIM. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, October 09, 2017, 12:46 (2600 days ago) @ Claude Errera

No, seriously, I think the reason they put so little work into making the Vault useful is because DIM is so great. Why reinvent the wheel?

The grimoire was pretty great, but ZOMG ITZ NOT IN TEH GAME.

Well, correct sorting also isn't in the game.

True enough. I wasn't actually saying it was - I was simply saying there's a better solution already in existence.

And yes, I meant 'better'. Messaging from my Xbox exists - but I don't use it because it sucks. I use xbox.com on a computer or a phone, because I can type/text 10000000x faster than I can message on my xbox.

I think it's always better to have it right there. A sort by type in game would be far more convenient than managing that on a smartphone or laptop.

This is where we are nowadays. I feel like so much of Destiny, from item management, to game mechanics, to story has to be supplemented from outside sources in order to fully understand / utilize.

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