
+1 (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Monday, October 09, 2017, 20:24 (2565 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Good example. Agreed with you... right until the end. Fact is, we never even had sorting before.

That's absolutely not true. The D1 vault was auto sorted between weapons, armor, and misc by default. In that regard, the D2 vault is a massive step backwards, where everything is just thrown together.

I was pulling shit out of the vault a few nights ago to dismantle a bunch of junk I had stored in there, and it literally re-randomized the order of items every time I pulled something out. So not only did the sorting not make any sense to begin with, I couldn't even go down the line pulling things out with the order of items changing every time I interacted with the fucking thing. The D2 vault is absolute garbage.

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