
The Vault is just terrible. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Monday, October 09, 2017, 18:50 (2525 days ago) @ Kermit

I understand your argument. As a counterpoint, load times are unavoidable, and it's become a routine part of my Destiny playing rhythm to use apps during that load time to manage items. It's actually more efficient than if I had to do it in the game, especially when it comes to moving things in and out of the vault.

This so much. I die a little inside every time we have to make a quick tower trip for someone to get something out of the vault. Using the app while you load into an activity is so much faster and easier.

I'm not saying the vault shouldn't be better--it absolutely should! Mainly in the form of collections. The kiosks were much better, except maybe having to run around the tower to get to them all. I hope the collections get revamped so that we can see where you get stuff, see all the stuff we don't have, etc.

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