
Double Des2ny Reviews (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, October 13, 2017, 17:01 (2658 days ago) @ Morpheus

I am surprised game reviewers agree as much as the do quite frankly. There are many arguments to be made that Bioshock Infinite is a bad game (it is), yet it has 94 on metacritic and very few outlier reviews.

One can only conclude that either all game reviewers have the same tastes and there is not enough diversity of opinion, or the intelligence level is not high enough to give us diverging reviews.

For all the praise Blade Runner 2049 has gotten for example, there are numerous critiques regarding things like technomisogyny, the tone deaf treatment of race and slavery, the pacing, etc. There is a huge critical divide.

Most of the analogous critiques of Bioshock Infinite were from non gaming publications.

There is nothing wrong with polar opposite reviews.

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