
Double Des2ny Reviews (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Saturday, October 14, 2017, 00:22 (2642 days ago) @ Avateur
edited by Ragashingo, Saturday, October 14, 2017, 00:30

Ragashingo been hating on Cody and exclusively targeting him for years. No uptick if you ask me. Unless you mean other things in general beyond Cody and Ragashingo. I can't speak to that one. :P

I’m not really sure what you mean by exclusively targeting Cody? That I only go after him? If that’s what you think, then cheapLEY, CruelLEGACY, Kahzgul, yourself (certainly!), narcogen, INSANEdrive, BeardFade, and even Kermit, Mig and multiple others might like to have a word with you. I have had strong words for all of thsese people and more over the years. Because I strongly disagreed with them.

Long story short, it’s exactly the same with Cody. I don’t hate on Cody, I reply in opposition to him because I disagree with his ideas and the way he sometimes expresses them. Any implication that I only go after him is petty, insulting, and just plain wrong. I will oppose and question anyone here equally if I feel they have their facts wrong or are being disrespectful to someone.

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