
Double Des2ny Reviews (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, October 13, 2017, 19:41 (2643 days ago) @ Cody Miller

For all the praise Blade Runner 2049 has gotten for example, there are numerous critiques regarding things like technomisogyny, the tone deaf treatment of race and slavery, the pacing, etc. There is a huge critical divide.

Funny, one could say almost the exact same thing about Bioshock infinite. It was certainly criticized for things like treatment of race, slavery, sexism, time travel, and a whole host of other things. Hell we had some of those debates right here on our very forum!

Feels to me it’s just another case of “whatever Cody Miller doesn’t like is proclaimed to be inherently and universally bad.”

Yes, because the DBO forum is full of professional video game reviewers. The debate was such precisely because we AREN'T writing for a pro magazine or website.

If you’ll remember, a large part of the discussion was spurred by an article on a website.

Do you really think that was the only site on the entire internet raising those points?

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