
Double Des2ny Reviews (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, October 15, 2017, 12:12 (2639 days ago) @ cheapLEY

If you want to see me “dog piling” on Cody less then you should talk to Cody about the content of his posts.

It seems to me like they've been trying to talk you about the content of your posts, but you're possibly even more stubborn than Cody is.

You're free to disagree, and I happen to enjoy most of the discussion you bring to the table. I like that you encourage folks to back things up with evidence, I like that you call folks on their bullshit. I'd encourage you to be more accepting when folks call you on yours.

If they’ve been talking about content they’ve chosen a strange way to do it. Talking about exclusively targeting someone is not talking about content. Talking about dog piling one one person more than others isn’t content. That’s frequency. And no, I’m not going to change that. I’m not going respond to someone less just because others are tired of me responding to them. I contend that it shouldn’t matter how much I “dogpile” on someone as long as each of my posts is fair, relevant to the subject at hand, and keeps to a high standard of respectful discourse.

Ok... about content and high standard of respectful discourse in my posts. Things like: “Raga, you often ask for sources or proof but didn’t back up what you just said” or “Raga, maybe you had a good point there but that personal dig you included at the end there vastly overshadowed the point you were trying to make” are content. And are legitimate type of complaints that can be made about me.

The former complaint I mostly dismiss. I put a lot of effort in trying to make sure I back my claims up with sources and have for years now. I’m not always perfect at it, and there are also times where I feel it isn’t necessary. And that’s kinda the rule I try and go by when making my posts and judging the posts of others: Is the claim common knowledge or probably true, or is it a more extraordinary claim that should have been presented along side some information backing it up. So yeah, I’m not going to make any changes here because I think I do a pretty decent job at all of this. And if anyone disagrees with me they’d better have a link handy! (I kid I kid... mostly. :p)

The latter... I think of all the posts in this thread, Kahzgul’s was the most effective because it nailed its point about content.

I only wish that when you disagreed, you didn't also insult.

I agree. And I sometimes drift wrongly to unnecessary insults to help illustrate points. But mostly they just get us all off topic.

I’ll do better.

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