
You're not the only one. (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Tuesday, October 17, 2017, 08:05 (2697 days ago) @ Claude Errera

That's not what he was saying, even a little bit. He was specifically talking about your internet persona, which he (and you) had acknowledged was different than your real-life persona. He was saying that your attitude was so toxic that he refused to engage - that's not saying anything REMOTELY like "he doesn't share my views, so he's not worthy of consideration." He believed that you were hurting the forum, hurting our little community, with your choice to be confrontational. (I'm pretty sure he didn't even give a shit about what you were talking about. It was how you chose to interact that he was fighting against. And It's something that *I've* fought against, too - both publicly and privately, with you. The difference is, when you brushed off MY concerns, I didn't walk away. Mig did.)

This. Right here, is the point. Cody, the biggest problem I have with the way you conduct yourself here (and even within this thread I see that there are others that feel similarly) is that it seems impossible to get you to be introspective. There's no question that you're capable, it's that you don't seem willing. You make great posts plenty of the time. There are excellent points you make bolstered by evidence within and outside of the gaming industry; you can be downright eloquent in your arguments. I typically don't find myself agreeing with you on much, but when I do, I agree all the way.

Mig's post held some seriously important nuance wrapped in a bunch of rancor. Personally I feel it was largely warranted, but my feelings aren't the thing that matters here. You're well-equipped to consider his viewpoint and pick out the stuff that really matters. But sometimes it seems almost deliberate how you miss the point.

I don't think anyone here would argue you aren't a major contributor in either quality content or opinion. You're a valuable member of the community.

I just don't think you listen to yourself.


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