
Double Des2ny Reviews (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Tuesday, October 17, 2017, 07:33 (2639 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

I called Bioshock bad, but then turned around and rephrased it as competent. So let me rephrase.

Bioshock Infinite’s gameplay is boring. The story was intriguing, but I was so bored by what I was actually doing that I didn’t care. I’d love to play the Gone Home version of Infinite, because I think the shooting mechanics were mediocre at the absolute best, and actually bad at the worst.

I can’t cite any examples, because I played it for five hours when it was new and haven’t touched it sense. That’s just how I recall feeling about it.

I agree with your assessment. What's worse IMHO is that the gameplay actually undermined the story they were trying to tell. The violence of the protagonist runs counter to his character-development. Would love the Gone Home version though. Hypothetical racial power/violence equivalencies are problematic but there is enough there to make it worth engaging. Just not through the gameplay. IMHO.

This always puzzles me. I think the gunplay was mediocre, but tying in both the powers and the rail mechanic made it pretty varied and fun. Enough to keep me entertained during the story, at least. The semi-hidden story of the twins and the considerations of choice trees and alternate realities I found fascinating. Sure, the race caricatures and themes of oppression, unabashed bigotry and greedy opportunism were uncomfortable to witness and play through, but I think that was precisely the point.

I don't know that I follow your remark about the violence of the protagonist running counter to his character development, though. Care to delve a little deeper there? I feel that at the end of the story, that final twist of realization was akin to the whole would-you-kindly-commit-murder-with-a-golf-club moment of the original BioShock. Peace was the goal, but peace wasn't to be arrived at by embracing peace. All of the violence leading up to that point was merely illustrating the point.

At least that's how I saw it.


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