
I wish I had your luck (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Thursday, December 14, 2017, 06:17 (2386 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

So I ended up dismantling the 9 Masterwork Cores I spent 600 Legendary Shards to get last night.

I just dropped 700+ legendary shards on engrams. I scored TWO whole masterwork weapons that dismantled for a total of 3 masterwork cores.

I've only managed to get five masterwork weapons at all so far. None have them have been worth keeping and only two have given me more than 1 core when disassembled. I'm still three cores short of being able to upgrade one of the weapons I actually like to a masterwork.


I finally spent my 1300+ weapon parts and got a whopping 5 masterworks. I don't even know how many legendaries I popped in total.

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