
Yep. :( (Destiny)

by Robot Chickens, Friday, January 12, 2018, 15:03 (2584 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Guess we should just stop keeping score altogether then. Better quit having the World Series, the Super Bowl, the Stanley Cup. Better stop awarding medals at the Olympics.

Yeah, cuz that's a rational connection to make.

It’s the natural end point of Korny’s “I hate Ranks” rant.

Is it though? Maybe he just hates ranks in the context of Bungie games?

You don’t like them. Fine. You don’t get to call them asinine. People wanting to know how they stack up to others isn’t asinine. That’s all I’m saying.

This is fair. It isn't asinine to want to know where you stack up. I like to check on that too for the record. But Destiny is not like those organizations and I don't want it to be. Those organizations have judges in every game that enforce fair play. Certain strategies are banned etc. Some have done this for videogames and that's great. However, you say I can ignore those stats. I can't ignore how my teammates behave because they're chasing those stats. They are not a neutral addition to the game when it comes to player behavior. If someone wants to set up a destiny league where people are ranked like that, more power to them. I just don't like it in my games.

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