
That cringeworthy Shoulder charge at the end... (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 11:03 (2293 days ago) @ TheeChaos

The lock on he got from his Shoulder charge... wtf.

He is aiming upper left, guy is low right, lunges straight at him. Don't get me wrong, its great fun to do, but where is the balance? Hunter gets a throwing knife that does not even one hit kill if you get a headshot with it.

I know its alot of fun, but lets give the other classes some love. And before you say anything, the triple throwing knives are not a good answer. Even the knew Arcstrider slide melee requires you not only to sprint, but then slide, and melee, and has 0 lock on, and when it does hit, it may take their shield off. What am I missing?

I'm perfectly okay with them fixing what you describe if they fix the broken shoulder charge at 9 seconds. There have been so many times I've bounced off people or gone right by them when they are literally blocking my way.

That is the only case where locking on works well for Titans. Don't even get my started on the Sentinel Super.

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