That cringeworthy Shoulder charge at the end... (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 11:47 (2062 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

Well, of course he got it back, it did no damage because it didn't hit him. I haven't played the hunters, but all I know is that shoulder charge is a risk reward ability. You are completely defenseless when you use it. Yes, it one shots and it is very viable in close quarters, but it can be easily countered if you are careful. I don't know the perks of the uppercut. But I would assume the throwing knives aren't a 1 hit because they are just that, throwing knives. Maybe this is another case of, overall the hunter's and titan's are balanced and we shouldn't be comparing abilities one to one.

I feel like if the knife was a 1 hit precision kill then they would have to take away the ability that gives it back on precision hit. Otherwise there are people who would just be using knives. Not only that, but you can get a second knife with armor right?

The uppercut is the same, Your up in the air for a bit, stuck in the animation. The only difference is it doesn't matter if you hit anything or not, it uses the ability charge.

There would definitely have to be some reworks to perks/armor if they did anything about any of this. Perhaps have it give heals on kills or something.

You definitely can't make 1 on 1 comparisons the way its set up. They are different for a reason, and I like that. But I never run into a hunter in PVP and go "oh god another X spammer again" like shoulder charge and handheld novas running around.

If I get killed with some well aimed throwing knives, I give the guy respect as it took some thought. Alot of people crutch on shoulder charge in the crucible. I wish it showed in the AAR.

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