That cringeworthy Shoulder charge at the end... (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 11:06 (2063 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

I'm perfectly okay with them fixing what you describe if they fix the broken shoulder charge at 9 seconds. There have been so many times I've bounced off people or gone right by them when they are literally blocking my way.

That is the only case where locking on works well for Titans. Don't even get my started on the Sentinel Super.

I don't want them to nerf shoulder charge at all. If it takes another hit to kill afterwards, it would be a weak ability. Just bring up the other ones to match.

The bug made me laugh, but at least he was able to get it back instantly after sprinting again. If that were the hunter uppercut he would be waiting on his ability to recharge or have to use his dodge to get it back.

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