
“Powerful” Gear (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, March 28, 2019, 10:13 (1855 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I absolutely agree with almost all of that. The new season is doing a great job of bringing old lore to the forefront and making it really feel relevant.

My only real issue is still with the power grind. I still fundamentally don’t understand the appeal of grinding out an extra 50 power level every three months. It’s bad design. I haven’t really engaged with The Reckoning, because I have to get back on the treadmill to do so, and, frankly, I don’t want to. But now we’ve reached the point where I’m an actual liability in Gambit Prime because I don’t have those perks and I’m underpowered against invaders, so I don’t do that either.

The current progression system is a literal “fuck you” from Bungie to the people that don’t play every week. It makes the entire game less fun.

I still wish they’d kill the soft cap. Make every purple engram a +1 to your average power level. So it won’t be guaranteed to help, but, eventually you’ll still be powering up just from playing whatever you want to play. Keep the milestone system as it is. Make the power tier Powerful Engrams a guaranteed +1 to whichever slot it drops for, make the higher tier Powerfuls either a guaranteed +3 for a slot, or a +5 to your average. Milestones are then still the best way to power up, but they won’t be literally the only way. The current system is complete garbage, especially considering that there’s no path forward if you’re not just grinding old content week after week.

I got hit pretty hard last night with progression system stupidity. I completed most of my Iron Banner bounties and I’m pretty sure all five or six drops I got were below the most powerful item in each slot. What is the point of all these soft caps and bounties and special events if none of it helps? Now, part of the problem is my helmet is 659 where the rest of my gear is in the 680 range, but the “Please Bungie, I just need a leveled _________” has been an issue since D1.

We’re already at the point where some highly pampered players have made it their full time jobs to rush through each new Destiny release in a matter of days. They get tons of attention from Bungie and their viewers and reach max level around a month before many of us do. So why do the rest of have to suffer these soft caps and almost-Powerful Gear drops? :(

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