
Putting words into Speachlessness. (Destiny)
I've worked diligently (and had help) in building a vast vocabulary. Yet in the last day or so... I don't know what word to give to describe how or what I feel about "Keep on keeping on man!" right here, my response in reading this - and it bothers me.
A splinter on the mind.
This is a thread in a Destiny Forum about not playing Destiny. Celebrating that fact even to a degree. This is a post here encouraging this further.
Is this post to which I reply... Incongruous? Is that the word? Paradoxical? Inverted? ... bah. Weird? ...
I stick around and check in b/c i've been playing with a lot of the folks on here since Halo 2. I'm just getting burned out of the endless grind. I miss the old Halo days of just playing a game, the only reward was winning. All the boxes you have to check and currencies and materials are tedious. I will probably poke back into Destiny at some point, but i decided to do other things in the meantime. I haven't even turned my xbox on since May, i've been focused on family, work, and cows. I just saw cody's thread and thought that i would report in as well.
Complete thread:
- One Year Anniversary -
Cody Miller,
2019-12-23, 10:19
- I'm honestly sorry that is your experience.
- MacAddictXIV, 2019-12-23, 10:35
- One Year Anniversary -
2019-12-23, 12:52
- One Year Anniversary -
Cody Miller,
2020-01-04, 08:40
- The article is misleading-to-false in its reporting.
- Harmanimus, 2020-01-04, 13:01
- So correct it for me
- Cody Miller, 2020-01-04, 17:56
- Doesn't seem to be as far as I can tell?
- someotherguy, 2020-01-04, 19:39
- So correct it for me
- One Year Anniversary -
2020-01-05, 13:36
- One Year Anniversary -
Cody Miller,
2020-01-05, 13:43
- One Year Anniversary -
2020-01-05, 14:50
- One Year Anniversary -
Cody Miller,
2020-01-05, 15:07
- One Year Anniversary -
Claude Errera,
2020-01-05, 18:28
- One Year Anniversary -
Cody Miller,
2020-01-05, 19:37
- One Year Anniversary -
2020-01-05, 22:56
- Nah -
2020-01-05, 23:48
- Nah -
2020-01-06, 00:46
- Nah -
2020-01-06, 07:19
- They're not the same bounties -
2020-01-06, 08:27
- They're not the same bounties -
2020-01-06, 08:58
- They're not the same bounties -
2020-01-06, 11:26
- They're not the same bounties -
2020-01-06, 12:01
- Plus you need to get to 92 this season - someotherguy, 2020-01-06, 12:50
- They're not the same bounties -
2020-01-06, 12:01
- They're not the same bounties -
2020-01-06, 11:26
- it's all the same ecosystem - someotherguy, 2020-01-06, 09:17
- They're not the same bounties -
2020-01-06, 08:58
- They're not the same bounties -
2020-01-06, 08:27
- Nah -
2020-01-06, 07:19
- Nah -
2020-01-06, 00:46
- Nah -
2020-01-05, 23:48
- One Year Anniversary -
2020-01-05, 22:56
- Is the article even saying that? - someotherguy, 2020-01-05, 23:44
- One Year Anniversary -
Cody Miller,
2020-01-05, 19:37
- One Year Anniversary -
Claude Errera,
2020-01-05, 18:28
- One Year Anniversary -
Cody Miller,
2020-01-05, 15:07
- One Year Anniversary -
2020-01-05, 14:50
- One Year Anniversary -
Cody Miller,
2020-01-05, 13:43
- The article is misleading-to-false in its reporting.
- One Year Anniversary -
Cody Miller,
2020-01-04, 08:40
- One Year Anniversary -
2019-12-23, 15:44
- One Year Anniversary - Cody Miller, 2019-12-23, 20:23
- ...and then everyone clapped! - INSANEdrive, 2019-12-23, 15:53
- I respect your choice but I miss playing with you.
- Kermit, 2019-12-23, 20:56
- I respect your choice but I miss playing with you. - Cody Miller, 2019-12-24, 11:57
- 5 more days for me -
2020-01-02, 09:42
- Keep on keeping on man!
- Cody Miller, 2020-01-02, 23:09
- Putting words into Speachlessness. -
2020-01-04, 12:45
- Putting words into Speachlessness. -
Cody Miller,
2020-01-04, 17:54
- Sloppy? Bedraggled? Dispirited? - INSANEdrive, 2020-01-04, 18:35
- Putting words into Speachlessness. -
2020-01-05, 15:50
- ^this: context matters
- Robot Chickens, 2020-01-05, 19:42
- ^this: context matters
- Also, hello; I'm back from moving and holidays -
2020-01-06, 19:37
- Impressive metaphor.
- EffortlessFury, 2020-01-06, 22:11
- Also, hello; I'm back from moving and holidays -
2020-01-10, 08:09
- Also, hello; I'm back from moving and holidays - Cody Miller, 2020-01-11, 10:58
- Impressive metaphor.
- Putting words into Speachlessness. -
2020-01-08, 09:02
- Putting words into Speachlessness. - Cody Miller, 2020-01-08, 17:46
- Putting words into Speachlessness. -
Cody Miller,
2020-01-04, 17:54
- Putting words into Speachlessness. -
2020-01-04, 12:45
- Keep on keeping on man!
- I'm honestly sorry that is your experience.