
They really nailed Backwards Compatibility/Continuity (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, November 19, 2020, 08:50 (1575 days ago) @ kidtsunami
edited by Cody Miller, Thursday, November 19, 2020, 08:55

I'll put it this way, with the recent upgrades to MCC, I plan on playing through all the Halos again, and I'm 100% sure, even if they had backwards compat for Halo/Halo 2, I would not bother finding those disks and putting them in to play the OGs, because it would be as I call, too hard basket.

I totally understand this, but it's just weird that the two literal best selling games on the Xbox are not part of the backward compatibility program. The whole idea behind back compat is to avoid having to buy the game again right? So the solution is to… buy the game again as MCC?

It just seems antithetical to the goal of the project.

The other part of me doesn't like this because an inferior version of Bungie's masterpiece is replacing the original, while at the same time claiming it's the 'classic' experience, when it isn't. I have literally had someone say "This doesn't look as good as I remember" and having to explain that was because it literally DOES look worse than the original.

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