
PS4 & Destiny (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Thursday, November 14, 2013, 20:57 (3818 days ago) @ breitzen

Looks fantastic. Really quick cuts on the trailer, I guess that's what the kids like these days?

Not too much new stuff. Definitely not worth me staying up for. (although community game night took care of that. lol)

Im a little disappointed in the early beta access. I doubt that is something that will "move" systems for Sony, and the longer the beta the more info you get for each system... I guess I'm not too worried about it, just wanna see some love thrown to the xbox community too!

It sucks others will get a chance at it before I do, but I actually found it relieving. I hope early-access, or things like it, defines the 'exclusivity' Destiny deals out and not actual game-content for the future. I'm fine with waiting as long as I get the same game.

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