
Time can change me (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Friday, November 15, 2013, 09:48 (3817 days ago) @ yakaman

It's more than mildly annoying to me, though I am loathe to admit it. I can't help but feel left behind a bit by Bungie. I've been an extremely loyal fan for over 10 years and (not coincidentally) lean XBox and XBox One.

I feel a bit like a 2nd class citizen, like Bungie prefers the other gamer with the Playstation. One might draw the conclusion that since their primary intent is to serve Playstation first, XBox customers will be a secondary concern.

If there is an incentive to provide early access and content exclusives, why wouldn't there be incentive to prioritize functionality and service?

Likely not their intent, but still, it's leaving a funny taste in my mouth. It's getting harder to suppress my disappointment.

I suppose it's different for me since I don't care when I play a game as long as I actually get to play it (and I'll likely be doing so with Destiny on a 360), but to me, nothing they've revealed for Sony so far seems like too big of a deal.

Having been a decade exclusive to Microsoft, I can totally understand trying to throw a few friendly gestures at Playstation-only gamers who never gave much thought to Halo or to Bungie at all since ONI. That's a pretty big gap to bridge.

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