
Not Learning (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, December 04, 2013, 11:35 (3807 days ago) @ Mr Daax

*Choosing a class sets a tone by establishing style of abilities: What really determines how you play is how you develop your "focus". Each class (Hunter, Warlock, and Titan) have a class-specific focus.
*"Focuses" are the primary way we level and improve characters. Each focus advances from level 1 - 20. Within each focus their are tiers for different abilities (passive bonuses, weapon specialty bonuses, grenade types, unique movements like double jump and teleport, melee bonuses).
*Each focus has a "super ability" associated with it that can also be upgraded.
*Ability to rebuild character without losing previous progress
* If you don’t like your focus you can change it at any time.

Did Bungie learn NOTHING from why Diablo 3 sucked?

Here's a hint: if you are building a character by selecting attributes and abilities, and you can just change them on a whim, then it doesn't feel like you are BUILDING A CHARACTER. Unless the choices you make stick, you don't feel like you are building a character, because you AREN'T. When you can just change shit on the fly, your character is no longer unique.

This also means there aren't tradeoffs with character building, since you can just change your focuses to be optimal for whatever area you are fighting in.

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