x86 the future?

by iZac, Shanghai, Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 22:19 (4090 days ago) @ Mix

Who else is seriously considering converting to Sony's team after tonight's display of awesome sauce?

Extra content is great, but I think the knowledge alone that the PS4 is using an x86 based processor is going to be an incredible selling point for Sony's next baby. How many times have developers bitched and moaned about how hard the PS3 was to develop for compared to the 360 because of its too-audacious-for-its-own-good 8 core processor?

Previously devs insisted that the 360 shared more commonality to the PC (despite its PowerPC G5 origins) so it was easier to code for ... now the PS4 is basically a souped up desktop? How easy is that to re-code?!

Which leads nicely to the next question ... if the PS4 is x86 based ... what about a Windows / OSX version of Destiny?

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