
Your favorite weapons? (Destiny)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Monday, November 10, 2014, 08:36 (3465 days ago) @ petetheduck

Lord High Fixer. I freakin love hand cannons and this is the best one I have at the moment. 13 round mag is great and the damage bonus when reloading after a kill make this my clear choice primary weapon when I don't need to be dealing elemental damage all the time.

Vision of Confluence. I preferred scout rifles over all else during the beta, but have gravitated more to hand cannons in the final release. This gun is making me fall in love with scout rifles all over again though.

Icebreaker. No explanation necessary. No other gun is as essential to have at your ready, especially if you want to solo the high-level strikes.

Praedyth's Revenge. Holy crap this gun is stable! Non-existent recoil on a fast-firing sniper rifle. Oh, and it has "firefly" too! The only reason this isn't always in my primary slot is because Icebreaker's regenerating ammo is so damn handy.

Thunderlord. This beast feels and sounds amazing, and the slow but precise rate of fire almost make it like a powerful scout rifle. I can usually one-shot enemies in the head and everybody around can hear and immediately know what gun I'm using. Unfortunately, I almost always have an exotic equipped in my primary or secondary slot so I rarely take the opportunity to take it out for playtime.

If/when I get a Hawkmoon, you can probably disregard all of the above.. :-)

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