Criticisms of the Crucible (Destiny)

by Monochron, Saturday, November 22, 2014, 12:49 (3452 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Trying to control lines of sight is part of the game. Part of any FPS. I don't see the problem here. Perhaps you should play a bit more timid than you normal would and use the radar for the info it does give?

Yeah that's what Cody suggested. It isn't very fun to avoid enemies and/or doorways, but it could certainly mitigate the effect.

Which it also does for 1 enemy.

Not true. I just tested this in single and multiplayer on the chance I was misremembering. I wasn't. With one enemy you can only light up a single segment at a time. The inner ring does has a brief fade effect, but I can't find a way to keep two segments (inner or outer) lit no matter where I move or which way I face. Counting enemies via radar doesn't really work past two, but it can definitely tell you the difference between one enemy and more than one enemy.

I agree with what you are saying. Unfortunately it only works when enemies are spaced out. In my initial post I only referred to the "1 slice" because that is the situation that causes issues. I agree that multiple slices lit at once is much more useful.

I don't give a room full of enemies a line of sight on me if I can help it.

If you already know it is a room full of enemies, then sure.

Really, the time to kill isn't much worse than Halo, and you have more, not less, options to fight back or evade.

I'm interested to find the numbers (though I imagine they would be more difficult to obtain because of Destiny's weapon variety), but I thing there is a significant enough difference. We can't really settle this without hard numbers though :/

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