
This exploit is a lot like the last Queen's Wrath exploit. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, May 18, 2015, 00:03 (3317 days ago) @ Mid7night

If ATM's all started spewing money, we'd all be grateful for the chance at a hastily snatched $80 that only came at the price of breaking some old lady's jaw in the melee around the malfunctioning device. Be grateful for what you've got, it's fun because we know it won't last.

The $80 was the fun part, not punching grandma, you sicko.

That's still not even close to a fair analogy. Hyperbole to Nth...

Also... "it's fun because you know it won't last"?!? What kind of antilogic is that? It's FUN because racing rocket bikes through tight spaces for a chance at a reward, IS FUN. If there's no reward, or even a CHANCE of a reward, you absolutely will NOT see randoms racing through the level. Even if the "reward" is beating everyone else back to the start, if there's no way to KNOW that then there's no incentive.

I agree with the "tweak the drop %'s" if anything, but leave the level-load "glitch". It's the most fun I've had in Patrols in ... ever.

The real solution is to get rid of the glitch and make something similar but have it be a supported part of the game. You don't adjust drop rates and whatever else to account for a glitch that only some of your player base knows about, you make a new mission type with UI and obvious objectives that everyone will enjoy taking part in.

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