
This exploit is a lot like the last Queen's Wrath exploit. (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Sunday, May 17, 2015, 21:42 (3325 days ago) @ Monochron

In the last Queen's Wrath, the missions dropped an inordinately high number of legendary items. Rather than removing the items from the pool, they simply didn't let you break them down for ascendant currency. They removed it because it was an unintended exploit to the currency of the game. I don't expect them to keep this, because I don't think they intended it. It's a bug. Enjoy it while it exists.

If ATM's all started spewing money, we'd all be grateful for the chance at a hastily snatched $80 that only came at the price of breaking some old lady's jaw in the melee around the malfunctioning device. Be grateful for what you've got, it's fun because we know it won't last.

The $80 was the fun part, not punching grandma, you sicko.

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