Just drop the multiple openings (Destiny)

by Monochron, Sunday, May 17, 2015, 22:31 (3317 days ago) @ Ragashingo

where you start setting up the "Bungie hates fun" narrative.

I have never, I will not, suggest that. I think I see where the confusion started though, I'm definitely not going to be going on any kind of "Bungie removes all the fun from my game" tirade. I just honestly thought they knew about this exploit and did not intend to do anything about it. Come tomorrow we will see.

Just recognize the race for what it is, a self-made activity that relies on a level load exploit that will probably soon be fixed, and don't try to make it something bigger that it actually is.

I think I lost you here. Why are you telling me to recognize it? Everything I've said about it are my true opinions.

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