Surprisingly refreshing (Destiny)

by Monochron, Sunday, May 17, 2015, 17:46 (3317 days ago) @ Revenant1988

I failed, and I enjoyed it immensely. I was forced to make a choice, and tried to get both rewards, but failed. Had I managed my ammo better, I probably would have succeeded. Maybe If I had spotted the chest earlier, I would have had more time to finish the event. But I didn't, and it was great.

I know this will wear off, as I learn where the wolves drop every time, and the possible spots the chests spawn at. Then it will become routine again and the fun will fade, but in this one instance, I had to choose, and I very nearly lost BOTH rewards. If I didn't have that public event bounty, I would have just focused on the wolves, because one shard\energy from the event wouldn't be worth the shot at a fallen chest, normally.

More of this, Bungie.

These public events have really added something to Destiny that I didn't expect. I'm getting the same feeling of camaraderie as I did farming at our Lord and Cavior months ago. It's a great feeling to develop a rythm with randoes and then race each other to see who can farm the chest with the most success. Having a Titan who always pops a bubble in the back for armor and silently designating two guys to hold on to the Scorch cannons for maximum blasting during the last round is really really fun. Fun I never expected to have running into random people on a server.

Good on ya' Bungie.

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