
Ok, ok, the idea is outrageous enough...

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Thursday, May 02, 2013, 08:36 (4351 days ago) @ Cold

No need to be rudantly outrageous. Lets go with "Venom Laced Omnipenetrable Hypereffective" needles instead. Poison + Explosions is a little much even for the EEB.

You're missing a great opportunity here. Imagine you're hiding up in a tree in the jungle, silently watching a search party below. You load your EEB with your exploding poison dart. You blow it right in the middle of the group and just above them it gently explodes, sending tiny poisonous shrapnel everywhere. It embeds in their clothes, and if it makes direct contact with skin it just feels like a mosquito bite.

In a matter of hours the poison begins to spread through the bloodstream infecting your targets. Once they return to camp they start getting sick and dropping dead. All any of them can remember is being bit by mosquitos so they chop it up to malaria...again.

So devious!

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