
AU-12 Self-Returning Ordnance Delivery System

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Tuesday, May 07, 2013, 00:49 (4347 days ago) @ ncsuDuncan
edited by Chewbaccawakka, Tuesday, May 07, 2013, 01:02

Or BOOMerang.

The AU-12 Self-Returning Ordnance Delivery System, more affectionately known as "BOOMerang", is a thrown weapon of considerable power. Developed by the Ameriboriginal Commandoes during the Cockatiel Conflicts of 2148 it saw widespread adoption and use for many decades before falling out of favor, and out of hand, with the everyman soldier.

Designed as a reusable alternative to hand-grenades the BOOMerang could be fitted with any manner of explosive device, as well as some non-explosive gadgetry, thanks to the, then revolutionary, development of charged nano-grips. The quick-release plates employed the nano-grip technology to hold onto any flat surface presented to it when charged with a small amount of electricity, thus allowing the AU-12 to carry a myriad of payloads.

When deployed in a combat scenario, the AU-12 would be thrown by the user to a predetermined destination. Using a controller the user would deactivate the electrical charge, causing the payload to drop. Once relieved of its cargo the AU-12 would then return to the user to be reloaded and deployed again.

Whether high-explosive, or a simple tracking beacon, whatever the AU-12 was loaded with could then be activated by the user at their leisure, from a safe and comfortable distance.

The BOOMerang can still be found in use today, though it's application is admittedly limited in scope.

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