
That's actually counter-intuitive... (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, July 17, 2015, 01:04 (3517 days ago) @ Korny

We always had a third one with the possibility of stacking it into another. They're also adding two more rounds (depending on the mag decrease, may be the same as it is now), which lower the odds of a bonus-damage bullet.

Essentially there's little to differentiate it from a Red Hand 9 with Rifled Barrel and both damage perks, except that the bonus damage is more reliable on the smaller-mag RH9...

Heh, for bonuses Red Hand IX is pretty good, but Ill Will (legendary reward) is where it's at: 7 rounds instead of 10, 5 if you get the right perk (smallbore?)-- 40% chance of a bonus on a given round, 20% chance of a magic bullet at the bottom of the magazine. The magazine size decrease might make it even crazier.

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