I don't even (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 22:56 (3516 days ago) @ Morpheus

How did you manage to complain about a Thorn buff in PvE?

I guess when I got caught up reading Bungie's weapon tuning business contract.

I don't even know what that means. What does that mean?

How is nerfing Black Hammer, Ghallarhorn or Ice Breaker preventing you from downing Crota?

We strive for Destiny to be a place where a single weapon or strategy does not dictate how, or with whom, you spend your time.

Bungie didn't mean for the above to happen, but it absolutely did. Even Datto's No Land Beyond thing didn't encourage players to try something else. That's because they go for the sure and true, the reliable and dependable, the ol' Faithful, or whatever you call it. People go with what works.

Right. Some weapons are more popular. That doesn't mean it literally can't be done without those weapons. I don't have any idea how you came to that conclusion.

Why are you shooting him with Black Hammer of all things in the first place?

White Nail. Why else?

Umm... does White Nail proc on Crota? You can't even get crit damage on his shield.

How is it taking you more than 6 Icebreaker shots or 1 rocket each (regardless of whether it's Gjallarhorn) to down him? Are you the only person shooting at him?

I'm an Overseer--I guard and protect my raid group from Boomers, Bridge Knights, and Ogres. My two Icebreakers are at 307 and 321, so at the moment each of those takes at least two shots to kill those enemies. I usually try to keep some Heavy Syntheses with me, but if I don't have any, my rockets are empty. And the devil himself will die of hypothermia before I see any purple on the floor. Onto Crota himself--I don't know if it's lag, or clashing colors or if it's intentional, but I don't see any damage numbers on his shield at all. If I'm looking at his shielf health, I rarely see any change there either. Meaning I have no idea as to when he's
weak enough to actually heal. So when my teammate grabs the sword, I unleash EVERYTHING I've got and I don't stop until he kneels. If I'm busy keeping Knights away from everyone, especially the Swordbearer, he picks it up--no heavy ammo on the floor, 48 second reload...that just leaves a pulse or a scout rifle. Now that's laughable!

If you're on Boomer duty you dont even need to shoot at Crota. On Normal mode he'll go down just fine with 4 people shooting him, and on Hard you're probably not even shooting the boomers, so you won't have to worry about it.

They nerfed Grenades and Horseshoes and you've decided without even seeing it or being told specifics that the nerf isn't enough?

One hundred-percent. I've run, I've jumped, I've backpedaled--I've even blinked. And still, 5-8 feet away(and in the case of Blink, 10 feet in the air), no wiggle room, no leeway, no chance in hell. Death, death, oh so distant death.

And they're nerfing it. But you know it won't be enough?

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