
Feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:48 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

These changes could make 1/2 the guns in my vault trash. They've been pushing us to collect field scout, final round, and hand cannons, and now they say "Wait, we take that back! The guns you spent hours upon hours acquiring are too powerful." Hmm, maybe I should be happy because now I have no reason to save these LDRs and Spears. At the same time, ugh!

They haven't been pushing you to do that. The end result of them failing to make sure things were balanced was a situation that made those things desirable, but that's not them pushing you.

I disagree. They knew this stuff was the best, they left it that way despite numerous changes over the past 9 months, therefore they encouraged the behavior. I mean, of course they aren't going to say "everyone go use hand cannons!"

It's ok, it's probably time I moved on. But it's sad. If they had just called ttk "destiny 2" I might not be so sad about letting everything go.

The way the game is now has only been around for a few months. I remember when the game launched fusion rifles were king, then it was auto rifles, and then after that hand cannons really came into their own. As far as I can tell, final round snipers weren't an issue until reforging was introduced and people rolled Efrideet's Spear with that and other really good perks, the same as how the highest capabilities of shotguns didn't show up much until then via Felwinter's Lie. (I will say they should've caught on sooner though, the Vanguard sold a Secret Handshake with shot package and hammer forged for some time before that, although in a pretty different impact class. That thing is still my favorite legendary.)

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